Ilhan Omar always find a way to stay in the News & mostly for controversial circumstances. Ever since winning election into the House of Representatives, the Minnesota congresswoman has shown just how much disrespect she has for the United States and the men of the military. But Americans are tired of her whining and are beginning to act accordingly..
Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee voted in favor of a resolution urging the Alabama congressional delegation to introduce and carry legislation to expel Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota.
State Representative Tommy Hanes, R-Bryant, introduced the resolution.
The resolution was introduced too late to be reviewed by the ALGOP’s Resolutions Committee. Under Alabama Republican Party rules, any member of the executive committee can introduce a resolution from the floor; but to pass without going through the Resolutions Committee requires a two-thirds majority vote. It didn’t matter. Hanes’ resolution passed anyway. This shows how much Americans are tired of the imposter Ilhan Omar.
Hanes told the full executive committee that Omar’s criticism of American troops and her criticism of Israel and call for a boycott of the American ally in the Middle East meant that she no longer deserved to have a seat in Congress.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is pushing a controversial Islamophobia bill, but not everyone – including the Biden administration – seems completely onboard with the proposal.
The Combating International Islamophobia Act directs the State Department to create a special envoy and office on the issue. Under the bill, those entities would monitor and combat Islamophobia around the world.
According to a House aide, the State Department sent congressional staff a series of concerns it had with Omar’s bill.
“While we share the sentiments of the bill, in order to preserve the Secretary’s flexibility to manage the Department, revisions would be appropriate to make mandates and prescriptive provisions into permissive authorities, such that the Secretary would be authorized to set up the office and envoy,” the department said in a message last week.
House Republicans spent much of a Thursday hearing mocking a bill put forth by the Muslim Minnesota congresswoman to combat Islamophobia worldwide.
“I have many Pennsylvania Dutch that feel that they’re not treated properly,” said Rep. Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania, sarcastically calling for their inclusion in Omar’s anti-Islamophobia bill. “How about those that are gay, you know, the LGBTQ community? That should be part of this bill.”
“Let’s keep going, you know, there are people that are overweight, and there are skinny kids that get picked on,” Meuser added. “Why aren’t they included in this as well?”.
Ilhan Omar is part of the infamous “Squad” that involves Ocasio-Cortez, another lowlife in congress that is hell bent on introducing socialism to America.
Ilhan has to go now because she doesn’t have the American values and does not respect the American flag. If she were to act this way in her country of Somalia, she may have lost her head by now.